Mission or not, I wake at my usual time 0515 hours. 

Despite being tired and going to bed late- like midnight late, and no naps, I have a difficult time sleeping.  None of my five other roommates snore, so I cannot blame one of them for my sleeping problem. 

In fact I am accused of snoring; I have not seen the video or heard the audio tape, so I assure you this is pure conjecture. 

My army issued cot with a sleeping pad and a stuffed laundry bag as a pillow is reasonably comfortable, yet I cannot sleep and escape a constant state of fatigue. 

I am not sure if the cause is more mental- worn down versus physical- worn out.  I try to maintain a healthy lifestyle by doing the right things physically:  eat well, drink plenty of water, work out four or five times a week, take my pain pills daily and try to sleep six hours or more a night – really 5 or so. 

That leaves mental as the remaining potential cause- something I cannot worry about right now on deployment, another problem to avoid and deal with later, when I get home after my war. 

But the war must go on and I must wake up, ready or not.